MLB app

Home Forums Bleachers MLB app

  • Jane W

      Is anyone else having problems with the MLB app this year?  When viewing the Scores section to check the games of the day in a morning, then later to see the scores, it is showing any games played after midnight U.K. time on the following day.  At the moment it looks as though there are 8 games being played today, 12 tomorrow and 20 on Tuesday.  I’ve contacted MLB support and they’ve not been able to help but said they would call me to discuss it.  Before I go along with this I thought I would ask the Forum for suggestions first.  If I change the time zone on my devices to New York time it rights itself but that’s not a very practical solution,  It has never happened in previous years and is very confusing.

      • This topic was modified 12 months ago by FBUK.
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    • FBUK

        Yes, I noticed the same thing in my MLB app yesterday. In some cases, it also means that two games results or upcoming games for the same team show up on the same day (UK time), even though the games are played on separate days (US time). Makes it wrongly appear like a doubleheader.

        I’m guessing it is a bug and not an intentional change, so it would be worth the app team being made aware of it.

        • This reply was modified 12 months ago by FBUK.
        Jane W

          I’m getting nowhere with the MLB app team.  They’ve replied 5 times now but never with  a solution.  This morning’s suggestion was to remove and reinstall the app which was one of the first things I tried on both IPad and android phone.  I can’t understand why more people aren’t reporting it to them as it’s really annoying and obviously something they could change back to how it’s been in previous years.


            There are now quite a lot of people complaining via reviews in the iTunes app store about the change to the timezone display in the MLB app. So enough other people are experiencing it that maybe it might prompt MLB to return it to how it was in previous years.

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