Innings Pitched

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  • raline

      Hi all! Just found the forum. I’m Rob, the Wake Field Padres owner.

      So is my slow slide back towards the pack due to the Innings Pitched rule?

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by FBUK. Reason: Added tags
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    • FBUK

        Hi Rob, welcome!

        Yes, you have reached the Inning Pitched limit so won’t score pitching points going forward. But it is the same case for several of the fantasy teams towards the top of the combined overall standings.



          Ha ha – no worries

          For future reference – can you see where those numbers are kept on the app?


            On both the Yahoo Fantasy app and the desktop site the Games Played and Innings Pitched limits are at the bottom of your roster page (‘My Team’).

            You could try what a few other managers in your position are doing and see if you can trade your good pitchers for improvements to your batting lineup for the remainder of the season…


              Found it on the Desktop site. Much appreciated 👍🏻


                Following a question from another manager, a couple more notes:

                • There is a slight loophole in the way Yahoo treats the IP limit. If a team starts the day under the limit but the active pitchers for that day’s games take it over the limit, points for all of those innings will be counted. I suppose technically it is simpler for Yahoo to do that rather than calculate the daily points that had been earned at the very point the IP limit was hit. However, once the limit has been exceeded, no more pitching points will be counted for future days.
                • The Yahoo team roster page is slightly misleading because it will show the pitching points that would have been earned on a given day after the IP limit has been reached, but they are not actually counted in the points awarded to the team as shown in the league standings.

                  Noticed that although the innings pitched is well over the maximum amount for one team in our league (SE) the points have still been counted on the leader board, will they be adjusted at a later date by Yahoo?



                    Hi Whitey,

                    Glancing quickly at the South East division, I’m assuming you are referring to Secret Agents, who got 94 pitching points last night?

                    I think they have probably benefited from the loophole mentioned in the post above (23 Aug) – if a team starts the day under the IP limit but the active pitchers for that day’s games take it over the limit, points for all of those innings will be counted.



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