
Last updated on 28 March 2023

Like many websites we use cookies on the Fantasy Baseball UK (FBUK) website. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the device that you use to access our website (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet), so that we can recognise repeat users, save your preferences for future visits, enable functionality and monitor website performance.  Each cookie expires after a certain period of time depending on what it is use for.

By using the FBUK websites, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as described on this page.

Manage your cookie consent preferences

Review the types of cookies used on this site and manage your preferences via this link: Cookie Settings

You are also able to remove cookies for this website via your internet browser.  To do this, please refer to your browser’s configuration information since the steps for doing so may vary between browsers.

Please note that enabling cookies helps provide a smoother user experience and disabling them might adversely impact how the website functions during your visit.

What do we use cookies for?

You can use the Cookie Settings link above to view specific uses. In summary:


Certain cookies are necessary in order for the site to operate correctly.  For example, when you log in to our website, a session authentication cookie is set to manage your logged-in browsing session. Another example is a cookie set to remember your cookie consent preferences.


Functional cookies are used to enable certain additional functionality to improve user experience on our websites, such as: offering the ability to log in to your website account using a social media login; newsletter sign-up; posting a comment on an article or forum. Turning off these cookies might make some website functions unavailable or not work properly.


Analytical cookies such as Google Analytics are used to understand how visitors interact with the website and help us improve our offering. They do not identify individual users. These cookies help provide metrics such as the number of visitors, most popular pages, traffic source, etc.

Click to learn more about Google Analytics and privacy. Click to learn more about Google’s privacy policy.


Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with customised advertisements based on the pages you visited previously and to analyse the effectiveness of the ad campaigns. If you turn off these third-party cookies, you might still see the ads, but they might be less relevant to your interests.