Commissioner’s Notes – 2021 Season

Home Forums Dugout Commissioner’s Notes – 2021 Season

  • FBUK

      Will post general info and updates about the organisation of the 2021 season in this thread.


      Expect you’ve seen it but in case not, registration for the 2021 season is open here until 12 March.

      Yahoo renewal

      If you had a fantasy team in the FBUK South, East, West or Central divisions last year you might have received a notification email today from Yahoo saying the league has been renewed. This was unintentional because the league was accidentally set to auto-renew. Don’t pay too much attention to it for now – once registration has closed, the division groupings for 2021 will be finalised and invite emails sent out to managers. You can then start building your pre-draft list if desired.

      It’s possible that teams renewed by Yahoo from last year might get moved into a different division, depending how it gets organised, and I’m not sure if a team’s pre-draft list gets messed up if that happens.

      • This topic was modified 4 years ago by FBUK.
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    • FBUK
      Topic Author

        Registration update

        Registration is now closed. There were around 130 managers who registered, which is twice as many as last year and just over 80% of last year’s managers are returning for another season. Teams in the main game will be split into one of nine divisions, roughly based on regions.

        An email went out on 15 March to returning managers to let them know they are being kept in the same division as last year and should be able to just log in to their Yahoo account to see their reactivated fantasy team.

        Invitation emails also went out to newly registered managers with a link to set their team up in the given division. Both sets of emails also had various other info ahead of the season start.

        Points change and other rules

        The How to Play and Help pages have been updated for the coming season. In particular, the points scoring system has changed (as discussed in this thread) and is explained on both those pages.


        Redbaron 07

          I have entered 1 team via your invitation to a given Division….how do I set up a 2nd team for the Limited Trade League?


            Hi there, I registered to play but didn’t receive an email? Can you advise please? Thanks


              Apologies was in my junk mail 😂 All sorted.

              Topic Author

                No worries @jimmyn, glad you found it eventually!  :mrgreen:

                Topic Author

                  The divisions have been finalised and the drafts for the various divisions are pretty much in the books. There were one or two managers that didn’t take up their league spot but we had a few latecomers that were slotted in their place so there are between 13-15 teams in each of the nine regional divisions in the main game, and around 17 in each of the two Limited Trade Game divisions.

                  There is a bit of code fiddling to do but eventually you will be able to see all of the divisions plus combined overall standings on the Standings page of this website.

                  There is a thread started for general questions and tips about how things work in Yahoo for those new to it.

                  Opening Day is Thursday 1 April – good luck for the season!

                  Rupert Russell

                    Thanks for sorting us all out.

                    Good luck to everyone (apart from those in my division to whom I wish nothing but a plague of frogs and general misfortune  :mrgreen: ).  Oh ok, good luck to my divisional rivals too!


                      Won’t the team who are in divisions with 13 teams have an advantage over the ones in 15 for the overall score.

                      Topic Author

                        Won’t the team who are in divisions with 13 teams have an advantage over the ones in 15 for the overall score.

                        I understand the logic but looking at the final top 10 in the 2020 overall standings, it was a fairly even split between teams from smaller divisions (9 or 10 teams size) and those from larger divisions (11 or 12 teams size). In fact, three of the top five – including the first and second placed teams – came from the larger divisions.

                        For the reason you raised, the aim when grouping managers is to have equal-sized divisions but inevitably there are managers that register, get put in a division and then don’t see or accept the invite to join the league despite reminders, and that can throw the planned groupings out a bit. There are also a few that apply late on (a day or so before the draft) that I want to accommodate where possible, so it’s a bit of a moving feast up to the draft.

                        Once managers have accepted their invite to the assigned division, moving a manager to a different division to even out numbers is not super simple as they are all treated as separate Yahoo leagues so means removing from the old division, sending out another invitation to the new division and messing the manager(s) around a bit late in the process.

                        Once the season gets underway, there are bound to be some managers that lose interest in their rosters, and that will affect competitiveness within a division and may even things overall.

                        Keith Jeffery

                          Will you please clarify the trade limitations in the Limited Trade Division.

                          Is the limitation still three per month, or is it a maximum of eighteen at any time during the season?

                          As regards the provision to use the IL, I presume that a replacement for a player transferred to the IL will count as one ot the permitted trades. Subsequently, when taking a player off the IL, will that also count as a trade when releasing a player?

                          Thank you.



                          Topic Author

                            Will you please clarify the trade limitations in the Limited Trade Division. Is the limitation still three per month, or is it a maximum of eighteen at any time during the season?

                            Due to the way Yahoo works, the limits are over the entire season rather than per month. So it is now a max of 18 free agent acquisitions (from the waiver wire or free agent player list) plus up to 3 trades with another team. So a possible 21 transactions in total.

                            As regards the provision to use the IL, I presume that a replacement for a player transferred to the IL will count as one ot the permitted trades. Subsequently, when taking a player off the IL, will that also count as a trade when releasing a player?

                            I believe the limits apply to adding players to your roster but simply releasing a player will not count as one of the trades.

                            If using the Yahoo Fantasy app, the number of ‘adds’ or trades for your team is shown at the bottom of the roster screen, under the section where games played and innings pitched are tracked. I haven’t found the equivalent if using the main Yahoo Fantasy Baseball website but the standings on the League Overview page shows the number of ‘moves’ each team has made.


                            Keith Jeffery



                              Thank you for the clarification.


                              Topic Author

                                The Standings section of the FBUK website has been updated for the 2021 season so you can now view all the various divisions plus the combined overall standings for the main game and Limited Trade Game.

                                Redbaron 07

                                  Just a heads up….the “Overall Standings” page on this website is messed up with coding.

                                  Are these “overall standings” done automatically through an upload or manually?

                                  Topic Author

                                    Hi Rene,

                                    I am in the process of doing some work on the standings pages so you might see it temporarily going a bit goofy on some days while I try stuff out.

                                    The division standings are updated automatically daily via a link with Yahoo; the overall standings for main and Limited Trade games mostly update automatically but I have to do something manual each day first to make that update happen. That is what I am trying to improve as I don’t really want to have to do that every day of the season!

                                    Also, today’s team points and standings haven’t updated yet to on either FBUK or Yahoo sites due to a problem that Yahoo says it is aware of and working on.

                                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by FBUK.
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