Forum rules and tips for use

Home Forums Front Office Forum rules and tips for use

  • FBUK

      When participating in the FBUK Forums, please observe the following rules, which we’ve put in place to ensure our community is a fun, inclusive and comfortable atmosphere for all. This includes the direct messaging tool.

      1. Treat other members with respect. Insulting or personal attacks against forums staff will not be not tolerated. Similarly, please do not bully, harass or be abusive towards other forums users.

      2. The forums language is English – please don’t post in other languages.

      3. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.

      4. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary.

      5. Please refrain from posting images larger than 600px in width or height. This is to help with loading speed and keeps the forum looking tidy.

      6. Please be considerate in language you use in the forums. Please do not swear or use offensive terms. A filter is in place to safeguard this system.

      7. We will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or gender.

      8. No hacking or illegal activity such as torrents and illegal downloads. This will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to the relevant authorities.

      9. Please do not post inappropriate or illegal material. Everyone should understand what is meant by this. If you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don’t post it! This will be removed and may be reported to the relevant authorities.

      10. For privacy and security, including your personal data in posts should be avoided, e.g. phone number, email address, address, etc. Do not share someone else’s personal data.

      The above user rules are a summarised version of those set out in the overall website Terms of Use.

      What happens if the rules are broken?

      This will be considered by the forum moderators. Depending on the severity of the breach, this could result in temporary or permanent ejection (ban) from the forums and possibly the fantasy league game itself.

      Forum moderators may edit or delete posts to remove content that is not permitted.

      If you have a concern about forum activity, you can:

      • Report a post via its options menu at the top of the post, which will notify moderators
      • Send a direct message to a moderator by visiting their profile page and using the ‘Send a Message’ option
      • Contact FBUK via the website Contact page

      Thank you!
      Fantasy Baseball UK

      • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by FBUK.
    Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
    • FBUK
      Topic Author


        Firstly, if you are new to the forums please take a moment to read the Forum Rules post above.

        Pretty much all of the functions below, a user needs to be logged in to their forums account to use.

        Forum tools

        There are various tools in the sidebar on the right (or towards the bottom of the page if viewing on a mobile device) that will help you find posts.

        Topic tags

        When you create a topic there is a field where you can include tag keywords related to the topic to help other users find it.


        When you create a topic or reply you’ll see basic content formatting buttons in the edit toolbar. The text editor uses BBCode tags, a common and simple way to apply formatting in forums. There is a list of tags on the BBCode website; most should be usable in our forums.

        Following forums and topics

        At the top of forums or topics there are options to subscribe or favourite them in order to get email notifications of new posts in them. Those forums or topics will also be listed in your profile page so you can quickly access them.

        Your profile

        You can get to your profile page either via Manager Options in the top menu or from the sidebar on the right (or towards the bottom of the page if viewing on a mobile device). You can choose what information you wish to display on your profile.

        You’ll also see various other options such as your subscribed or favourite forums/topics, and you can manage them there.

        Other user profiles

        Click on a username to view that person’s profile page.


        If you want to draw someone’s attention to your post you can mention them in the post by typing @ followed by their username (e.g. @fbuk is the main forum administrator). As you start typing it should start suggesting usernames. That person will get an email notification letting them know they were mentioned.


        You can send someone a direct message (DM) – sometimes known as private message (PM) – either by going to their profile page where there is a ‘Send Message’ button or from the Messages area in your own profile, clicking on ‘New Message’ and searching for the username.

        The Messages area also holds your existing DM conversations. Clicking on a conversation provides an ‘Options’ button where you can manage settings such as email notifications for the chat.

        Please follow the Forum Rules and be considerate if mentioning or messaging another user.

        Further help

        If you have a question not covered above, please check out the general Help page as it might be covered there, or post your query in the forums!

        • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by FBUK. Reason: Merged this post into the Forum Rules topic; added note that users need to be logged in to access most of the listed functions
      Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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