For those who registered for Fantasy Baseball UK 2023, invitation emails were sent out on 14-15 March to the email address you registered with.
In most cases those who played FBUK last year and re-registered this season have been kept in the same division and should be able to simply log into your Yahoo account (or Fantrax account if participating in the salary cap league) to see your reactivated fantasy team. Managers who did not re-register in 2023 have been removed from the division.
If you didn’t play FBUK last year, your email has a link to join the division you have been assigned to. Please keep an eye out and join your Yahoo league by Wednesday 22 March, so we can finalise things ahead of the draft. If you registered for the limited trade game as well, there is a separate invite email for that league.
If you haven’t seen the email, please check your junk mail folder. Failing that, please get in contact so we can help get you into your division.
Get ready for the draft!
The leagues runs through Yahoo – FBUK League and FBUK LTD – will use an online draft for managers to build their initial roster. Managers take it in turns to draft one player to their roster in each round until all roster positions are full. A MLB player can only appear on one fantasy team’s roster in the division.
The draft for FBUK LTD, the limited trade game is scheduled to run at 7pm GMT/UTC on Friday 24 March. The standard game, FBUK League, will draft at 7pm GMT/UTC on Saturday 25 March. It normally takes a couple of hours to complete. Managers can choose to login to the whole draft and manually select a player in each round or, if you can only attend part of the draft, not at all, or you run out of ideas halfway through, the system will auto-draft for you at your turn so your team will still get a starting roster.
If planning some auto-drafting, you can pre-rank the importance of MLB players to you, to give you a better chance of drafting some of the players you want. Or just leave it in the hands of Yahoo’s built-in ranking system that will auto-draft the best available player for the given roster position at that turn. There will be a pool of un-drafted free agents left over that managers can pick up too.
Here’s the Yahoo overview of drafting. We’ll be using the Live Standard Draft. The MLB season (and the fantasy league) is scheduled to start on Thursday 30 March.
Salary cap leagues
FBUK Classic and the $5m Game, which are the salary cap leagues run through Fantrax, do not require a draft. Managers in those leagues can start building their roster straight away using their team salary budget. Although you don’t need to have set your initial roster by Opening Day on 30 March, obviously you might miss out on early fantasy points if you haven’t!
More info and support
The How to Play and Help pages on the FBUK website provide more details. There are also forums here on the FBUK website, which is where you can contribute to the conversation on how the game is run, ask technical questions and chat with other managers.
Finally, if you don’t already, you might consider subscribing to our main mailing list which is the primary method of getting news and updates out to FBUK members through the year (besides the website itself).
Thanks for playing and good luck for the season!