FBUK League
- Heathens12877
- Year of the Cub12644
- It’s Shohei time12491
- The Rescue Party12359
- Stealing Home12224
- YINRFC5512174
- Secret Agents12104
- beat gould&lengl12100
- HAFC - FTW12095
If you have a question about the fantasy league during the season, the best way to reach FBUK is via the Contact page or FBUK Forums on this website. Due to the number of leagues in play, enquiries raised in an individual Yahoo or Fantrax league's chat area might not be seen by the Commissioner.
I think FBUK is an excellent way for UK-based MLB fans to compete against and engage with each other, and am thoroughly enjoying the experience of a well-organised league. Hats off to you all!
The time and effort taken by the people involved in running the game has to be appreciated by us mere mortal players.
It's now an established part of the experience of being a UK MLB fan.
I really appreciate the effort put into arranging and organising all this. It is a real source of enjoyment for me over the course of the season.
Last year was my first for fantasy baseball and I loved it. Really appreciate you organising this.
The fantasy baseball game I enjoy the most.
A big thank you for the time and effort you have put into this over the years. Hugely appreciated!
I love it. Don’t drink. Don’t smoke. FBUK is my drug of choice.
Here we go again! Many thanks for running the league - it's great fun (in between all the frustration!)
This league is a huge part of my enjoyment of MLB. Really appreciate it.